FMRI navigation
- These notes apply to
Creating alias
- Create alias of commands (or “shortcuts”), under the home directory, use the nano command to edit a configuration file:
nano .tschrc.aclexp
- Add to the bottom of the file:
alias <name_of_shortcut> <‘your command’>
- Replace contents within <> to suit your need. For example:
alias cdnav ‘cd /media/DATA1/navigation’
allows you to type just “cdnav” (without the quotes) to change directory from anywhere to /media/DATA1/navigation. You will have to reinitiate another instance of terminal for the new settings to be effective.
GUI interface
- You can initiate a graphic user’s interface (gui) of file manager by typing:
- Or a gui editor by typing
- Note that when you initiate a gui in a terminal, you won’t be able to type new commands in that terminal. You can initiate another terminal from the SSH client gui.
Reconstructing rawdata into AFNI format
- Change working directory to the navigation folder
- Change working directory to the script folder
cd scripts
- edit the participants list
nano subjlist.txt
- To 3D
python <numid>
-numid: numerical code of the participant.
python <numid>
-numid: numerical code of the participant.
Creating stimulus time files
- Change working directory to the scripts folder
cd /media/DATA1/navigation/scripts
-Or just type “cd scripts”, if you have followed settings in previous slides to change directory to /media/DATA1/navigation
- Creat stimulus time files
python <numid> <group id>
-numid: numerical code of the participant (001, 002, … etc)
-group id: group code of the participant (allo or ego )