
Erik Chang


ErikChang Profile enhanced.jpg
PhD, Associate Professor
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
TEL: +886-3-4227151#65209
Fax: +886-3-4263502


  • B.Sc. in Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (1996).
  • M.Sc. in Psychology, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan (1998).
  • PhD in Cognitive Psychology, Rice University, U. S. (2005).

Research Interests

My research work examines human motor and cognitive control and their dynamic changes during the aging process. I combine psychohysics, spatial and temporal recordings of movements and forces, as well as neuroimaging tools (FMRI/EEG/MEG) to assess the functional properties of motor/cognitive control and the underlying brain mechanisms. These fundamental research also extends to the application of physical exercise and cognitive training in enhancing cognition.


  • Human motor control and learning
  • Cognitive ageing
  • Cognitive training

Grants Awarded


  1. NSTC 113-2410-H-008-073 (2024/08/01~2025/07/31)
    Title: Examining common mechanisms and individual differences of motor and perceptual learning with fMRI, EEG, and classification algorithms
    Amount: NT$1,197,000
  1. NSTC 112-2410-H-008-066 (2023/08/01~2024/07/31)
    Title: Examining common mechanisms and individual differences of motor and perceptual learning with fMRI, EEG, and classification algorithms
    Amount: NT$1,197,000
  2. MOST 108-2410-H008-037-MY4 (2019/08/01~2023/12/31)
    Title: Sequence Learning and Its Transfer across Effectors: a Meganetoencephalography Study.
    Amount: NT$6,050,000
  3. MOST 106-2420-H-008-002-MY3 (2017/01/01~2019/12/31)
    Title: Impacts of mental stress on cognitive processing and neural mechanisms of explicit and implicit motor learning.
    Amount: 3,772,000 TWD ≈ 122,000 USD
  4. MOST 105-2628-H-008-001-MY3 (2016/08/01~2019/07/31; Excellent Young Scholar Research Grant)
    Title: Cognitive Aging and Inhibitory Functions: An Investigation on Functional Neural Activities and Neurotransmitters (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Amount: NT$4,081,000
  5. MOST 104-2420-H-008-004-MY2 (2015/01/01~2016/12/31)
    Title: The influence of perceptual feedback on motor learning: An fMRI investigation (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Amount: NT$1,753,000
  6. MOST 103-2420-H-008-006-MY2 (2014/01/01~2015/12/31)
    Title: An fMRI Investigation of sensorimotor and numerical magnitude representations under suggestion (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$2,096,000
  7. NSC 101-2410-H-008-035-MY2 (2012/08/01~2014/12/31)
    Title: Human Neural Correlates for Spatial Navigation within Egocentric and Allocentric Reference Frames (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$1,860,000
  8. NSC 100-2628-H-008-008 (2011/08/01~2012/07/31; Excellent Young Scholar Project)
    Title: Investigating the neural and genetic mechanisms underlying the influences of aerobic exercise on the training and transfer of executive functions with functional magnetic resonance imaging (Excellent Young Scholar Research Grant).
    Grant: NT$1,165,000
  9. NSC99-2410-H008-065 (2010/08/01~2011/07/31)
    Title: Exploration of the functional and structural brain mechanisms underlying the improvement of central executive functions induced by physical exercise in the middle-aged and old adults: A fMRI and diffusion tensor imaging study (Young Investigator Research Grant)
    Grant: NT$1,173,000
  10. NSC96-2413-H008-003-MY3 (2007/11/01 ~ 2010/07/31)
    Title: Sex Differences in Functional and Structural Brain Representations of Spatial Navigation and Motor Control: A fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study (Young Investigator Research Grant).
    Grant: NT$ 2,133,000
  11. NCU 975607-20 (2008/02/01~2009/01/31, PI)
    Title: Human Grip Force and Weight Perception (Research Grant for entering faculty)
    Grant: NT$170,000


  1. MOST 111-2740-H-004-003-RE3 (2022/08/01~2025/07/31, co-PI)
    心智科學大型研究設備共同使用服務計畫:台灣心智科學腦造影中心 (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$34,450,000
  2. MOST 109-2740-H-004-003-RE2 (2020/08/01~2022/07/31, co-PI)
    心智科學大型研究設備共同使用服務計畫:台灣心智科學腦造影中心 (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$20,000,000
  3. MOST 108-2410-H001-053 (2019/08/01~2020/07/31, co-PI)
    Statistical Learning, Language, and the Adaptive Aging Brain. (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$1,069,000
  4. MOST 107-2420-H004-029-RE2 (2018/08/01~2019/07/31, co-PI)
    Brain Research Initiative Net for Mind Science Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$19,886,000
  5. MOST 106-2410-H001-024-MY2 (2017/08/01~2018/07/31, co-PI)
    Bilingualism, Reading, and the Adaptive Aging Brain (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$3,658,000
  6. MOST 106-2221-E008-066-MY2 (2017/08/01~2018/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: Development of an Objective Concentration Index for Indoor Work Lighting (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$2,171,000
  7. MOST 105-2420-H004-030-RE2 (2016/08/01~2017/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: Brain Research Initiative Net for Mind Science Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$20,000,000
  8. MOST 104-2627-E009-001 (2015/08/01~2016/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: 雲端行動生活科技應用於工作族群安全與健康之管理 (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$5,292,000
  9. MOST 103-2410-H-008-009 (2014/08/01~2015/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: Gestalt Figures, Economic Reasoning, and Open-Mindedness: Behavioral and fMRI Experiments (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$783,000
  10. MOST 103-2420-H004-031-RE2 (2014/08/01~2016/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: Brain Research Initiative Net for Mind Science Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$21,029,000
  11. NSC 102-2627-E-009-002 (2013/08/01~2016/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: 雲端行動生活科技應用於工作族群安全與健康之管理 (Ministry of Science and Technology)
  12. NSC 102-2410-H-179-014-MY3 (2013/08/01~2016/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: 孩童肥胖、體適能、認知功能之關係:行為、事件關聯電位、磁共振造影觀點之多年期研究 (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$3,878,000
  13. NSC 102-2420-H-004 -056 –RE (2013/08/01~2014/08/31, co-PI)
    Title: MRI Service Plan: Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$6,863,000
    NSC 102-2420-H-009 -003 -MY3 (2013/01/01~2015/12/31, co-PI)
    Title: 大腦抑制機制於不同脈絡下空間與時序同步變化之關聯性 (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$2,165,000
  14. NSC 102-2420-H-008-005-2E (2013/06/01~2013/05/31, co-PI)
    Title: 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:科技優質生活與心理學(人因工程、認知科技) (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$2,892,000
  15. NSC 101-2420-H-004-033-RE (2012/08/01~2013/08/31, co-PI)
    Title: Brain Research Initiative Net for Mind Science Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$3,965,000
  16. NSC 101-2628-H-179-002 (2012/08/01~2013/10/15, co-PI)
    Title: Effects of Fitness and Exercise Modality on Planning and Brain Structure: a Tower of London Task and Structural Mri Study (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$1,479,000
  17. NSC 100-2321-B-009-001 (2011/02/01~2012/01/31, co-PI)
    Title: 整合個人健康管理之創新紓壓樂活服務體系(II) (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$12,000,000
  18. NSC-99-2911-I-009-101 (2010/12/01~2011/11/30, co-PI)
    Title: UST-UCSD International Center of Excellence in Advanced Bio-engineering sponsored by the Taiwan National Science Council I-RiCE Program.
  19. NSC99-3114-B-009-001 (2010/02/01~2011/01/31, co-PI)
    Title: 整合個人健康管理之創新紓壓樂活服務體系(Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$16,048,000
  20. NSC99-2218-E-009-007 (2010/02/01~2011/01/31, co-PI)
    Title: Ecology-City---Network Platform for Lifestyle of Healthy and Sustainability (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$41,890,000
  21. NSC99-2218-E-009-007 (2009/02/01~2010/04/30, co-PI)
    Title: Ecology-City---Network Platform for Lifestyle of Healthy and Sustainability (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$43,408,000
  22. NSC98-2314-B182-057-MY2 (2009/08/01~2011/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: Impaired Awareness and Related Factor in Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease.(Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$1,682,000
  23. NSC97-2218-E009-026 (2008/02/01~2009/04/30, co-PI)
    Title: Ecology-City---Network Platform for Lifestyle of Healthy and Sustainability (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$45,136,000
  24. NSC99-3114-B009-001 (2010/02/01~2011/01/31, co-PI)
    Title: Blueprint development project for the Medical Equipment Industry: An Innovative Service System for Stress-relief and LOHAS Which Integrates Personal Healthcare
  25. NSC97-2627-E009-001 (2007/08/01~2009/07/31, co-PI)
    Title: Psych-Nice Environments: Bio-Cultural Co-Construction of Adaptive Assistive Technologies and Environments for Successful Aging (Ministry of Science and Technology)
    Grant: NT$6,964,000
  26. NCU 995939-5 (2007/01/01~2009/12/31, co-PI)
    Title: Visual Comfort and Cognition in Artificial Lighting (Top Research Field 2009 Research Grants)

Media Engagements

Public Lectures


Academic Discussion

Emilie Reas. (2015). How does Sports Training Restructure the Brain? Retrieved May 23, 2015, from PLOS BLOGS
[Go to content table|# ContentTable]


  1. 公視流言追追追:男性天生方向感好,女性天生路癡?。2015/03/15。
  2. 公視流言追追追:男女大不同。2015/04/17。

Book Introduction

  1. 是我,非我,我是什麼?達馬吉歐的意識神經科學 〈達馬吉歐《擁有自我的心智》審定序〉。2023/11
  2. 你是「自我療癒系」嗎?為什麼「信念」對我們影響如此強大?──讀《腦內心機》。2018/08。
  3. 從意識的基礎到文化起源:簡介安東尼歐.達馬吉歐之心智觀。2018/09。



* indicates corresponding author



  1. Tien, H.-P. & Chang, E. C.* (2024). Inequivalent and uncorrelated response priming in motor imagery and execution. Frontiers in Psychology. (supported by NSTC 112-2410-H-008-06).


  2. Chang, E. C.* (2021). Information Theoretic Quantification of Dedifferentiation in the Aging of Motor and Executive Functions. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. (supported by MOST 108-2410-H008-037-MY4 & MOST 105-2628-H-008-001-MY3).


  3. Meng, F.-W.*, Yao, Z.-F., Chang, E. C., &Chen, Y.-L. (2019). Team sport expertise shows superior stimulus-driven visual attention and motor inhibition. PLOS ONE, 14(5), e0217056.
  4. Lin, M. -J., & Chang, E. C.* (2019). Taiwanese Norms for the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 67(2), 136-156.
  5. 2018

  6. Chikara, R. K., Chang, E. C., Lu, Y.-C., Lin, D.-S., Lin, C.-T., &Ko, L.-W. (2018). Monetary Reward and Punishment to Response Inhibition Modulate Activation and Synchronization Within the Inhibitory Brain Network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12(March), 1–16.
  7. 2017

  8. Chang, E. C., Chu, C. H., Karageorghis, C. I., Wang, C. C., Tsai, J H., Wang, Y. S., Chang, Y. K.* (2017). Relationship between mode of sport training and general cognitive performance. Journal of Sport and Health Science. doi:10.1016/j.jshs.2015.07.007【SSCI, IF=2.591; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, & Tourism: 10/43】(Supported by NSC 101-2628-H-179-002-)
  9. 2016

  10. Ko, L.-W.*, Shih, Y.-C., Chikara, R. K., Chuang, Y. T., & Chang, E. C.* (2016). Neural Mechanisms of Inhibitory Response in a Battlefield Scenario: A Simultaneous fMRI-EEG Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10(May), 1–15. (Supported in part by UST-UCSD International Center of Excellence in Advanced Bioengineering sponsored by MOST I-RiCE Program under Grant Number MOST 103-2911-I-009-101)
  11. Shen, S. J., Yau, C.-Y., & Chang, E. C.* (2016). Effects of Aerobic Training Intensity on Executive Functions in Middle-to-Old Age Adults. Physical Education Journal, 49(S), 75-90. DOI:10.3966/10247297201606490S006 (Supported by NSC 99-2410-H-008-065).
  12. Chiou, S.-C. & Chang, E. C.* (2016). Bimanual coordination learning with different augmented feedback modalities and information type. PLOS One, by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2, and in part by the IRICE program MOST-103-2911-I-009-101, and MOST-103-2627-E009-001).
  13. Chen, H.-Y., Chang, E. C., Chen, S., Lin, Y.-C., & Wu, D. (2016). Functional and anatomical dissociation between the orthographic lexicon and the orthographic buffer revealed in reading and writing Chinese characters. NeuroImage, 129(2016),105–116. (SCI, 1/14,NEUROIMAGING;31/256,NEUROSCIENCES; 7/124, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE &MEDICAL IMAGING; MOST 100-2911-I-008-505).
  14. 2015

  15. Chang, Y-. K., Tsai, J. H-. C., Wang, C-.C., Chang, E. C.* (2015). Structural differences in basal ganglia of elite running versus martial arts athletes: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Experimental Brain Research. doi: 10.1007/s00221-015-4293-x (SCI, IF=2.168, RANK: 67/197 in NEUROSCIENCES; supported by NSC 100-2628-H-008 -008 and NSC 101-2410-H008-035-MY2)
  16. Lin, M.-W., Lee, M.W., Chang, E. C., & Chen, Y.-C. (2015). Flicker-glare and visual-comfort assessments of light emitting diode billboards II: color display. Applied Optics, 54(13), 4089-4096. doi: 10.1364/AO.54.004089
  17. 2014

  18. Lin, M.-W., Hsieh, P.-H., Chang, E. C., & Chen, Y.-C. (2014). Flicker-glare and visual-comfort assessments of light emitting diode billboards. Applied Optics, 53(22), E61. doi:10.1364/AO.53.000E61


  19. Tzeng, O. J.-L., Lee, C.-Y., Ren Lee, J., Wu, D. H., Juan, C.-H., Cheng, S.-K., Lee, R. R. W., Huang, C-. M., Kuo, N. W. –J., Chang, E. C., Hung, D. L. (2013). Cognitive Neuroscience in the 21st Century: A Selective Review of Prominent Research Topics and Applications. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 2(4), 364–381. doi:10.1166/jnsne.2013.1071 (Supported by NSC-101-2410-H-008-035-MY2)


  20. Lin, C.-T., Huang, T.-Y., Lin, W.-J., Chang, S.-Y., Lin, Y.-H., Ko, L.-W., Hung, D. L., Chang, E. C.* (2012). Gender differences in wayfinding in virtual environments with global or local landmarks. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 32(2), 89-96. (SCI, IF=2.649; supported by NSC99-2410-H008-065 and NSC 96-2413-H-008-003-MY3)
  21. Chiou, R., Wu, D. H., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. L., &, Chang, E.* (2012). Relative size of numerical magnitude induces a size-contrast effect on the grip scaling of reach-to-grasp movements. Cortex, 48, 1043-1051 (SCI, IF=7.251; supported by NSC99-2410-H008-065 and NSC 96-2413-H-008-003-MY3)

    2009 and earlier

  22. Chiou, R., Chang, E., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Wu, D. H.* (2009). The common magnitude code underlying numerical and size processing for action but not for perception. Experimental Brain Research, 194(4), 553-562. (SCI, IF=2.256 RANK: 143/224 in NEUROSCIENCES , Cited:3; supported by NSC96-2413-H-008-003-MY3)
  23. Chouinard, P. A.*, Large, M., Chang, E., & Goodale, M. A. (2009). Dissociable neural mechanisms for determining the perceived heaviness of objects and the predicted weight of objects during lifting: an fMRI investigation of the size-weight illusion. NeuroImage, 44(1), 200-212. (SCI, IF=5.739 RANK:4/105 in RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING , Cited:12)
  24. Chang, E.*, Flanagan, J. R., & Goodale, M. A. (2008). The intermanual transfer of anticipatory force control in precision grip lifting is not influenced by the perception of weight. Experimental Brain Research, 185, 319-329. (SCI, IF=2.195 RANK:137/209 in NEUROSCIENCES , Cited:10)
  25. Chang, E.*, & Ro, T. (2007). Maintenance of visual stability in the human posterior parietal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(2): 266-274. (SCI, IF=4.867; RANK:4/72 in PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL , Cited:7)
  26. Olk, B., Chang, E., Ro, T., & Kingstone, A. (2006). Modulation of antisaccades by transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human frontal eye field. Cerebral Cortex, 16(1), 1676-1682. (SCI)
  27. Chang, E., & Ro, T. (2005). Inhibition of return in perception and action. Visual Cognition, 12(3), 443-472. (SSCI) (Corresponding author)
  28. Ro, T., Shelton, D., Lee, O., & Chang, E. (2004). Extrageniculate mediation of unconscious vision in TMS induced blindsight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(26), 9933-9935. (SCI)
  29. Ro, T., Farnè, A., & Chang, E. (2003). Inhibition of return and the human frontal eye field. Experimental Brain Research, 150(3), 290-296. (SCI)
  30. Ro, T., Farnè, A., & Chang, E. (2002). Locating the human frontal eye field with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 24(7), 926-936. (SCI)
  31. Wang, W. C., & Chang, C. (1998). Rasch likelihood ratio test of item differential functioning. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 40, 15-32. (TSCI)


  1. Tien, H.-P., & Chang, E.C.* (accepted). The Application of Information Theory in Studying Motor Control. In D. H. Wu (Ed), Cognitive and Neural Foundations of Chinese Reading: From Learning to Advanced Processing and Beyond. Springer.
  2. Chang, E.C. (2010). How to understand brain imaging studies (如何看懂腦功能研究). In J. R. Li & C. H. Juan (Eds.), Learn to read & read to learn (大腦、認知與閱讀). Hsin-Yi Foundation Publisher, Taipei, Taiwan (ISBN 978-986-161-401-4).

Pop Science

  1. 李如蕙, 張智宏。(2016,八月)。打電動的大腦不會變老?科學人雜誌(臺灣版)。174期八月號。遠流出版社。
  2. 姚在府, 張智宏。(2015,九月)。四肢發達,頭腦不簡單:腦造影觀點下的運動與認知。科技部人文與社會科學簡訊。16卷4期。




  1. Lo, H.T., & Chang, E. C.* (2024, November) Exploring the Connections Between Visual Perceptual Learning, Error-based Motor Learning, and Executive Functions. Poster presented Psychonomic Society 65th Annual Meeting, New York City, United States (Supported by MOST-113-2410-H-008-073).
  2. Chen, P.-W., Chang, E. C.*, Tzeng, O. T. -L., & Wu, D. H. (2024, June). Exploring the dynamics of hippocampal and visual responses during statistical learning: An fMRI investigation. Poster presented 2024 Annual Meeting of Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning, San Sebastian, Spain (Supported by MOST-108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).


  1. Tien, H.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2023, November). Differentiating the cognitive resource involved in motor imagery and execution: An investigation with dual-task interference. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. Supported by MOST-108-2410-H-008-037-MY4.
  2. Chan, C.-E., Wu, H. D., & Chang, E. C.* (2023, November). Investigation of the relationship between motor sequence learning and rule switching through individual difference. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. Supported by MOST-111-2410-H-008-D60-MY3, MOST-108-2410-H008-037-MY4.
  3. Tien, H.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2023, March). Does motor imagery require more cognitive resource than motor execution? Poster submitted to the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. Supported by MOST-106-2420-H-008-002-MY3 and MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4.
  4. Wu, B.-S., Hung, J. J., & Chang, E. C.* (2023, March). Differential impacts of varying spatial and temporal sequential regularities on Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT). Poster accepted by the 30th Anniversary Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. Supported by MOST-108-2410-H008-037-MY4.


  1. Wu, B.-S., & Chang, E. C.* (2021, November) Influence of complexity and length of a sequence on its learning. Poster presented in Psychonomics 2021. (supported by MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).
  2. Tien, H.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2021, March). Prime-Probe Repetition Revealed Partial Functional Equivalence between Motor Imagery and Execution. Poster presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience, USA (supported by MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).


  1. Chang, E. C.*, Lin, M. -J., & Wu, D. H. (2019, June). Distributional Analysis of Sequence Learning in Manual and Speech Serial Reaction Time Tasks. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning, San Sebastian, Spain.
  2. Tien, X.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2019, November). Comparing Imagery and Execution of Force Control under the Feedback of Where and What. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (supported by MOST 106-2420-H-008-002-MY3).


  1. Chang, E. C.*, Lin, M.-J., Li, T.-L., Tsai, S-. U. & Wu, H. D. (2018, October). GABA Concentration Relates Differentially with Voluntary and Involuntary Inhibition: A MR Spectroscopy Study. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Workshop of Centre of Cognition and Its Disorders, Macquarie University, Australia (supported by MOST-106-2420-H-008-002-MY3 (EC) and MOST-105-2420-H-008-001-MY3 (DW)).
  2. Li, T.-L.*, & Chang, E. C. (2018, March). Characterizing the Impact of Aging on the Interaction between Controlled and Automatic Inhibition. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA, USA (supported by 105-2628-H-008-001-MY3).


  1. Chang, E. C.*, Lin, M.-J., & Wu, D. H. (2017, September). The Modulation of Number-Response Mapping By Hypnotic Suggestion. Oral presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting of International Conference of Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan (supported by MOST 106-2420-H-008-002-MY3 (EC), MOST-105-2922-I-008-090, MOST-104-2627-E-009-001, MOST 103-2420-H-008-006-MY2 (EC), I-RiCE NSC-102-2911-I-009-101, and AS-103-TP-C04).
  2. Huang, Y*, & Chang, E. C. (2017, September). Action and Perception in Aging: Taking Length as an Example. Poster presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting of International Conference of Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. Li, T.-L.*, & Chang, E. C. (2017, September). Characterizing the Impact of Aging on Automatic Inhibition. Poster presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting of International Conference of Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan (supported by MOST-105-2628-H-008-001-MY3).
  4. Lin, M.-J.*, & Chang, E. C. (2017, March). The Conversion across Magnitude and Rank Forms of Numerical Representation. Poster presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, California, USA (supported by MOST-103-2420-H-008-006-MY2 (EC) and MOST 106-2420-H-008 -002 -MY3).
  5. Rath, S*, Chang, E. C., Cheng, S.-K., & Duann, J.-R. (2017, September). An EEG Analytic Framework of Detecting Choices In Manual Motor Imagery and its Potential Application in Bidirectional Information Sharing Between Human and Machine. Poster presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting of International Conference of Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan.


  1. Chang, E. C.* & Kuo, L.-W., & Wu, W. Y. (2016, July). Sports-specific Experiences Influence Manual Skill Learning in A Force Field. Poster presented in the 2016 International Conference on Memory, Budapest, Hungary (supported by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2).
  2. Lin, M.-J.* & Chang, E. C. (2016, June). An FMRI Investigation of the Malleable Numerical Representations under Hypnotic Suggestions. Poster presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland (supported by MOST-103-2420-H-008-006-MY2, MOST-104-2627-E-009-001 and AS-103-TP-C04).


  1. Chang, E. C.*, Yao, Z.-F., Liang, Y.-M., Chen, K.-J., & Chiu, Y.-H. (2015, November). Diversity of Cognitive Performance Among Static, Strategic and Interceptive Sport Expertise. Poster presented at the 2015 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, USA (supported by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2).
  2. Yao, Z.-F., Chang, E. C., & Liang, Y.-M.* (2015, June). Difference of Perceptual-Cognitive Performance in Elite Swimmers and Non-athletes. Oral presentation at The 2th International Conference on Exercise and Health & The 4th National Teaching Conference on Kinesiology 2015, Guangzhou, China (supported by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2).
  3. Chang, E. C.* & Wu, D. H. (2015, June). Comparison of BOLD responses in individuals with differential preference in spatial reference frames. Poster presented at 2015 OHBM. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  4. Chang, E. C.* (2015, March). Cognitive ageing: Parametric changes in motor and executive functions. Poster presentated at the inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  5. Lung, T. C.*, & Chang, E. C. (2015, March). Training and transfer effects of unpredictable task-switching. Poster presented in the 2015 International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


  1. Yao, Z.-F.*, & Chang, E. C. (2014, November). Effects of Ageing on Cognitive Control and Visual Search. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Joint Research Centre for Language Human Complexity. Hong Kong, China (supported by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2).
  2. Chiou, S.-C.* & Chang, E. C. (2014, November). Bimanual coordination learning with different feedback modalities and information types. Poster submitted to the 2014 Annual Meeting of Joint Research Center for Language and Human Complexity. Hong Kong (supported by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2, and in part by the IRICE program MOST-103-2911-I-009-101, and MOST-103-2627-E009-001).
  3. Lin, M.-J.*, & Chang, E. C. (2014, November). Differential auditory SNARC effect in young adults along the spectrum of hypnotizability. Poster submitted to the 2014 Annual Meeting of Joint Research Center For Language and Human Complexity, Shatin, Hong Kong (supported by MOST-103-2420-H-008-006-MY2).
  4. Chiou, S.-C.* & Chang, E. C. (2014, July). Guidance or interference? Augmented feedback benefits bimanual coordination even after removal. Poster presented at the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. Takamatsu, Japan (supported by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2, and in part by the IRICE program MOST-103-2911-I-009-101, and MOST-103-2627-E009-001).


  1. Chang, E. C.*, & Wang, J. Y.-S. (2013, November). Differential modulation of attentional networks in the elderly by physical activity. Poster presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, California, USA (supported by NSC-101-2410-H008-035-MY2, NSC-101-2911-I-009-101, NSC100-2628-H008-008, and NCU-Delta Joint Research Center).


  1. Mattaloni, E., Huang, H., Hung, D., Gerbino, W., & Chang, E. C.* (2012, June). Functional brain activities for self-reference effect on observing writing traces. Poster presented in the 18th Annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China. (Supported by NSC-100-2628-H-008-008 and NSC-100-2911-I-009-101).
  2. Wang, Y. S., Fong, D. Y., Hung, D., & Chang, E. C.* (2012, June). Relationship among elderly’s attentional brain networks, physical activity, and body composition. Poster presented in the 18th Annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China. (Supported by NSC-100-2628-H-008-008 and NSC-100-2911-I-009-101).


  1. Chang, E. C.*, Lin, C. T., Huang, H., Huang, T. Y., Tzeng, O. J., & Hung, D. L. (2011, September). Social-evaluative stress differentially modulates brain activities for mixing and switching costs. Poster presented in the 17th meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, San Sebastian, Spain (Supported by NSC 100-2628-H008 -008 and NSC-99-2911-I-009-101).
  2. Tang, C. H. & Chang, E. C.* (2011, July). How do parameters of motor response influence selective inhibition? Evidence from the stop‐signal paradigm. Poster presented in the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Hong Kong, China (Supported by NSC99-2410-H008-065 and NSC-99-2911-I-009-101).
  3. Lin, W. J., Huang, T. Y., Lin, C. T., Hung, D. L., & Chang, E. C.* (2011, April). Differential theta oscillation for human wayfinding in virtual environments with global vs. local object landmarks: An EEG study. Poster presented in the 2011 annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, California, USA (Supported by NSC99-2410-H008-065 and NSC-99-2911-I-009-101).


  1. Hsieh, J. J., & Chang, E. C.* (2010, July). Tool-use and the extension of peripersonal space: Is temporal synchronization sufficient? Poster to be presented in the 2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan (Supported by NSC 96-2413-H-008-003-MY3).
  2. Lin, W. J., & Chang, E. C.* (2010, July). Influence of regularity of geometric structures and types of object landmarks on wayfinding behavior. Poster to be presented in the 2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Taipei, Taiwan (Supported by NSC 96-2413-H-008-003-MY3).
  3. Lin, C. T., Huang, T. Y., Wang, C. H., Lin, W. J., Ko, L. W., Chang, E. C.* (2010, June). Gender-specific contextual differences in human theta oscillations during spatial navigation in VE. Poster to be presented in the 16th Annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (Supported by NSC 96-2413-H-008-003-MY3).
  4. Chang, E. C. (2010, April). Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent (BOLD) signals associated with the processing of global and local landmarks in human wayfinding behavior. Poster submitted to the 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada.


  1. Chang, E.* & Li, H. C. (2009, July). Sex differences in attentional orienting to informative central and peripheral cues. Poster presented in the 2009 Cognitive Science meeting, Amsterdam, Netherland.
  2. Chang, E.* & Li, H. C. (2009, June). He or she looks into your eyes differently: Gender difference in the spatial orienting induced by eye gaze. Oral presentation at the14th Attention and Perception Conference, National Chung-Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
  3. Lin, W. J., Huang, T. Y., Lin, C. T., Hung, D. L., & Chang, E. (2009, May). The contributions of global and local object landmarks in human wayfinding behavior. Poster presented in the 2009 Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, Naples, Florida, USA.


  1. Chiou, R., Chang, E., Wu, D. H., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (2008, July). The commonality and specificity of magnitude codes for number processing, prehension, and perceptual size judgment. Poster to be presented in the 2008 Asia Pacific Conference of Vision, Brisbane, Australia (Supported by NSC96-2413-H008-003-MY3).
  2. Lin, W. J., Yu, B., Huang, T. Y., Lin, C. T., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Chang, E.* (2008, June). Human spatial navigation in virtual environment: The contributions of different types of landmarks. Talk to be presented in the 2008 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: Human- Centric Smart Living Technology, Tainan, Taiwan (Supported by NSC96-2627-E009-001).
  3. Han, J., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Chang, E.* (2008, June). Does unconscious observation of manual actions induce action priming? Poster to be presented in the 12th Annual Meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Taipei. Taiwan.
  4. Chiou, R., Chang, E., Wu, D. H., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (2008, July). The commonality and specificity of magnitude codes for number processing, prehension, and perceptual size judgment. Poster to be presented in the 2008 Asia Pacific Conference of Vision, Brisbane, Australia.


  1. Chouinard, P., Large, M. E., Chang, E., & Goodale, M. A. (2007, November). Neural correlates of size-weight illusion. Poster presented in the 2007 Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA.
  1. Li, J.-C., Chang, E. C.,& Guillermina, J. (2007, August). Computerized Multivariate Factorial Survey Method. Paper presented at the Session on Technical and Methodological Advances in Social Psychological Research, Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, USA.

before 2006

  1. Chang, E.*, Hampson, E., Valyear, K., & Goodale, M. A. (2006, May). Sex differences in the cortical control of manual praxis. Poster presented in Symposium on Cortical Control of Higher Motor Cognition, Lübeck, Germany.
  2. Chang, E. & Goodale, M. A. (2006, May). Grip force dissociated from size-weight illusion when lifting from other hand. Poster presented in the 2006 annual meeting of Vision Science Society, Sarasota, Florida, USA.
  3. Chang, E., & Ro, T. (2005). A posterior parietal contribution to saccadic suppression of displacement. Poster to be presented in 2005 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, U.S.A.
  4. Ro, T., Shelton, D., Lee, O., & Chang, E. (2004). Extrageniculate mediation of unconscious vision in TMS induced blindsight. Poster presented in 2004 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.
  5. Olk, B., Chang, E., Ro, T., & Kingstone, A. (2003). The role of the frontal eye field in pro- and antisaccades: a TMS study. Poster presented in the 12th European Conference on Eye Movements, Dundee, Scotland.
  6. Ro, T., Farnè, A., & Chang, E. (2002, April). Inhibition of return and the human frontal eye field. Poster presented in 2002 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.
  7. Chang, E., & Ro, T. (2001, November). Inhibition of return: Effects on temporal and spatial measures of perception and action. Poster presented in 2001 Psychonomic Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Orlando, U.S.A.
  8. Chang, E., & Ro, T. (2001, October). Inhibition of return in perception and action. “Armadillo” Conference, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
  9. Chang, C. H., & Wang, W. C. (1997, May). Rasch analysis of differential item functioning. Paper presented at the International Conference of Educational and Psychological Testing on Instruction and Research, Taipei, Taiwan.
  10. Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., & Chang, E. C. (1998, July). Script, speech, and cerebral organization: A myth and its resolution. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Literacy and the Evolution of Writing System, Seoul, Korea.
  11. Yeh, S., & Chang, C. (1997, May). Figural aftereffects: Adaptation to location or orientation? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38(4), S632.




  1. Chang, E. C. (2025, January). Integrative brain health assessment with cognitive and neuroimaging markers: Using motor function as an example. Symposium lecture at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  2. Luo, P.-X., Wu, D.-H., & Chang, E.C.* (2025). Race and gender effects on facial attractiveness judgments: A deep learning approach using GoogLeNet and FaceNet. Poster presented at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  3. Lee, Y.-H., Kuo, W.-J., Cheng, S.-K., Tzeng, O.J.-L., & Chang, E. C.* (2025, January). An investigation on the consistency between brain age prediction with behavioral motor and brain structural features. Poster presented at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  4. Wu, H.-Y., & Chang, E. C.* (2025, January). Chunking Patterns and Sequence Learning in Continuous Serial Reaction Time Task. Poster presented at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taoyuan, Taiwan (supported by NSTC 113-2410-H-008-073).


  1. Chen, H.-J., Chang, E. C.* (2024, October). The Common Mechanisms in the Perceptual and Motor Domains of Sequence Learning : An ASRT Task Study. Poster presented 2024 Annual Conference of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan (Supported by NSTC 112-2410-H-008-066)
  2. Lo, H.T., & Chang, E. C.* (2024, October) An Assessment of the Relationship between Visual Perceptual and Motor Learning. Poster presented The 63rd Annual Convention of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan (Supported by NSTC 112-2410-H-008-066) .


  1. Tien, H.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2023, January). Differentiating the cognitive resource involved in motor imagery and execution: An investigation with dual-task interference. Poster presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience (supported by MOST-106-2420-H-008-002-MY3 and MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).
  2. Wu, B.-S., & Chang, E. C.* (2023, January). How does variation in spatial and temporal information differentially contribute to motor sequence learning? Poster presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience (supported by MOST-106-2420-H-008-002-MY3 and MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).


  1. Tien, H.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2022, April). Determining surface electromyography activation during motor imagery: Comparison between fixed vs. adaptive thresholding approaches. Poster presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience (supported by MOST-106-2420-H-008-002-MY3 and MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).
  2. Wu, B.-S., & Chang, E. C.* (2022, April). Divergent Impacts of Complexity on Spatial and Temporal Sequence Learning. Poster presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience (supported by MOST-108-2410-H008-037-MY4 ).


  1. Tien, H.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2021, March). Exploring Mechanisms of Response Repetition Effect by Comparing Perception, Motor Imagery and Motor Execution. Poster presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience (supported by MOST-106-2420-H-008-002-MY3).
  2. Chang, E. C.* (2021, March). Quantifying Processing Capacities of Motor and Executive Functions under the Information Theoretic Framework. Poster presented in the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Online. (supported by MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).
  3. 田昕平、張智宏*。(2021,五月)。成績退學制度之把關與警示功能檢視─國立中央大學之現況。109年度臺灣校務研究學會年會線上海報展示。(supported by MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).
  4. 蘇昊邦、張智宏*。(2021,五月)。Dcard 學生社群發言之情感分析-以中大版為例。109年度臺灣校務研究學會年會線上海報展示。(supported by MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).


  1. Tien, X.-P., & Chang, E. C.* (2020, January). Motor Imagery and Execution of Force Control Remain Functional Equivalent under the Feedback of Where and What. Poster presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Tainan City, Taiwan (supported by MOST 106-2420-H-008-002-MY3).
  2. Lin, M.-J., & Chang, E. C.* (2020, January). Using Beamformer Source Analysis to Localize Brain Oscillations underlying Manual and Speech Motor Sequence Production. Poster presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Tainan City, Taiwan (supported by MOST 108-2410-H-008-037-MY4).


  1. Condrowati*, & Chang, E. C. (2019, January). Voluntary and Involuntary Inhibition in Elderly and Young Adults. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Hsinchu, Taiwan (supported by MOST-105-2628-H-008-001-MY3).
  2. Li, T.-L.*, & Chang, E. C. (2019, January). Characterizing the Impact of Aging on Spatial Negative Priming. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Hsinchu, Taiwan (supported by MOST-105-2628-H-008-001-MY3).
  3. Lin, M.-J.*, & Chang, E. C. (2019, January). Impacts of Mental Stress on Implicit and Explicit Motor Learning. Poster presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Hsinchu, Taiwan (supported by MOST-106-2420-H-008-002-MY3).


  1. Shen, S.-C., Cheng, R. P. C., Yao C.-Y., & Chang, E. C.* (2018, Jan). Big Data Reveal Positive Relationship between Performance in Physical Education and Other Academic Domains. Poster presented in the 2018 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taichung, Taiwan (supported by NCU 邁向頂尖大學計畫).
  2. Li, T.-L.*, & Chang, E. C. (2018, Jan). Characterizing the Impact of Aging on the Interaction between Controlled and Automatic Inhibition. Poster presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taichung, Taiwan (supported by MOST-105-2628-H-008-001-MY3).


  1. Li, T.-L.*, & Chang, E. C. (2017, January). The Effect of Aging on the Time Course of Negative Priming. Poster presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taoyuan, Taiwan (supported by MOST-105-2628-H-008-001-MY3).
  2. Rath, S.* & Chang, E. C. (2017, January). Optimal channel based Motor Imaginary-Brain computer interfacing using Common Spatial Pattern and Linear discriminant analysis. Poster presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taoyuan, Taiwan.


  1. Chang, E. C.* (2016, October). Aging and training: Current status and future directions. Oral presentation in the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan
  2. Guo, L. W., & Chang, E. C. (2016). The effect of sport training on eye-hand coordination and force control. Poster presented in the 2016 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. Lin, S., Chou, Y.-T., & Chang, E. C. (2016). Size-weight illustion in virtual objects: An Investigatgion with force feedback device. Poster presented in the 2016 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.
  4. Li, T.-L., & Chang, E. C. (2016). The effect of aging on the binding process of the iconic memory. Poster presented in the 2016 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Lin, M.-J.,* & Chang, E. C. (2016). The SNARC effect and FoNARC effect under hypnotic suggestion. Poster presented in the 2016 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan (supported by MOST-103-2420-H-008-006-MY2 (EC), MOST-104-2627-E-009-001 and AS-103-TP-C04).


  1. Lin, M.-J.*, & Chang, E. C. (2015, October). Building the Taiwanese Database of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility. Orally presented at the 2015 Taiwanese Psychological Association Annual Convention and the International Convention of Learning, Teaching, and Assessment. Taipei, Taiwan (supported by MOST-103-2420-H-008-006-MY2 and I-RiCE NSC-102-2911-I-009-101).
  2. Li, T-L.* & Chang, E. C. (2015, October). The effect of aging on the iconic memory with binding processing. 2015 Taiwanese Psychological Association Annual Convention and the International Convention of Learning, Teaching, and Assessment. Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. Lin, M.-J.*, & Chang, E. C. (2015, January). Building the Taiwanese Norm of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility. Poster submitted to the 2015 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taipei, Taiwan (supported by MOST-103-2420-H-008-006-MY2).


  1. Yao, Z.-F.*, & Chang, E. C. (2014, November). Influence of Ageing and Physical Activity on Cognitive Control and Visual Search. Oral presentation accepted by the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychology Association. Taipei, Taiwan (supported by MOST-104-2420-H-008-004-MY2).
  2. Lin, M.-J.*, & Chang, E. C. (2014, November). Differential auditory SNARC effect in young adults along the spectrum of hypnotizability. Oral presentation accepted by the 2014 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan (supported by MOST-103-2420-H-008-006-MY2).


  1. Chang, E. C.* (2013; October). Majority search function in the elderly and the young populations. Oral presentation in the 51th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychology Association, National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan (supported by NSC-101-2410-H-008-035-MY2 and NSC-100-2628-H-008-008).


  1. Chang, E. C.*, Yao, C. Y., & Shan, H. J. (2011; October). The chronic and acute influence of aerobic exercise on central executive functions. Oral presentation in the 50th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychology Association, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan (supported by NSC-100-2628-H-008-008).


  1. Lung, T. Z., & Chang E. C.* (2010, November). Training and transfer of task switching. Oral presentation in the 49th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychology Association, National Chung-Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan (supported by NSC99-2410-H008-065).


  1. Lung, T. Z. & Chang, E.* (2009, September). Differential influences of task difficulty on mixing and switching costs in univalent task switching. Oral presentation in the 48th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan (NSC96-2627-E009-001).
  2. 張智宏*、鍾奇維、洪蘭、陳俊嶧、鄒忻芸、黃郁雯、林彥成、吳毅成。(2009, 一月)。網路遊戲平台在認知能力訓練之應用。「智慧生活科技區域整合中心計畫」暨「前瞻優質生活環境計畫」聯合成果發表會演講報告。國立台灣大學,台北。(NSC96-2627-E009-001)
  3. 林雯菁、 黃騰毅、柯立偉、洪蘭、張智宏*。(2009, 一月)。以虛擬實境探討全域性與局部性地標對空間巡行能力訓練的貢獻。「智慧生活科技區域整合中心計畫」暨「前瞻優質生活環境計畫」聯合成果發表會演講報告。國立台灣大學,台北。(NSC96-2627-E009-001)
  4. 張智宏*、鍾奇維。(2009, 一月)。高齡者認知能力與日常生活困擾調查。「智慧生活科技區域整合中心計畫」暨「前瞻優質生活環境計畫」聯合成果發表會演講報告。國立台灣大學,台北。(NSC96-2627-E009-001)


  1. Lin, W. J., Yu, B., Huang, T. Y., Lin, C. T., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Chang, E.*(2008, June). Human spatial navigation in virtual environment: The contributions of different types of landmarks. Talk presented in the 2008 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies: Human- Centric Smart Living Technology, Tainan, Taiwan (supported by NSC96-2627-E009-001).


  1. Han, J., Chang, E.*, Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (2007, July). Exploring inversion effect in the perception of hand point-light motion. Talk presented in the 12th Workshop on attention and perception. Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
  2. Li, H. C., Chang, E.*, Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (2007, July). Can numerical cues induce inhibition of return? Talk presented in the 12th Workshop on attention and perception. Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
  3. Chiou, R. Y. C., Chang, E.*, Wu, D. H., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (2007, July). Motor imagery of grasping influences numerical processing. Talk presented in the 12th Workshop on attention and perception. Chia-Yi, Taiwan.